Thank you for considering supporting the work of St Giles Christian Mission!
We believe that all that we have is a gift from God, and therefore He owns the money He has entrusted to us as stewards.
So when we give to Him we are only giving back that which He has given us in the first place.
It is our hope and expectation that everyone who is a part of St Giles will contribute to the church in prayer, in fellowship, by using their gifts and, where possible by providing financial support.
How much we give will vary – it is a matter for prayerful consideration—but God’s word reminds us to give generously, carefully, freely and cheerfully for gospel work (2 Cor 8-9).
You can give via online banking using these details:
Account Name: St Giles Christian Mission
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00034961
Or set a payment below.
For any questions or to find out if you’re eligible for gift aid, please be in touch: